What's Going On Here?

There are SO MANY wonderful book review blogs out there and I can't compete with them, that is for sure. So this is not a book review blog. This is just a way for me to organize what I have read so that I can be better at matching the right book to the right person. The blog title comes from the brilliant mind of the most talented woman who ever lived, Ms. Judy Garland. The full quote is, "Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of someone else." That is what I hope to do here and in ever aspect of my life.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Very Timely

and so it was upsetting and hard given the attitude that some have toward immigration today.  Something in Between by Melissa de la Cruz, who became a US citizen at the age of thirty and has her own story to tell, tells the story of a high school senior who discovers that she and her family are undocumented.  Set mostly in LA, well, in the richie-rich boyfriend's neighborhood of Bel Air and the Valley, where our main character, Jasmine lives and also in DC, this book is so real!  Jasmine is luckier than most undocumented kids though.  She does have connections.  Great, great book with a lot of think and talk about in here.

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