What's Going On Here?

There are SO MANY wonderful book review blogs out there and I can't compete with them, that is for sure. So this is not a book review blog. This is just a way for me to organize what I have read so that I can be better at matching the right book to the right person. The blog title comes from the brilliant mind of the most talented woman who ever lived, Ms. Judy Garland. The full quote is, "Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of someone else." That is what I hope to do here and in ever aspect of my life.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

My First Agatha Christie

Yes, I am not a fan of off-putting Briticisms.  Yes, I had tried to read this very Agatha Christie book when I was a kid, but I really needed a read and had nothing else and so I read Hallowe'en Party, the thirty-ninth Hercule Poirot book.  And it was SO funny!  Now I know someone died.  But it was funny.  It reminded me a lot of Columbo, which I loved, too.  I do want to read more and was glad that I read this in October!  Tis the season and all!  Loved it!I had seen a middle schooler reading it and asked her about it and other AC books and she just said she really liked them so I thought, well, maybe I am mature enough now! 

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