What's Going On Here?

There are SO MANY wonderful book review blogs out there and I can't compete with them, that is for sure. So this is not a book review blog. This is just a way for me to organize what I have read so that I can be better at matching the right book to the right person. The blog title comes from the brilliant mind of the most talented woman who ever lived, Ms. Judy Garland. The full quote is, "Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of someone else." That is what I hope to do here and in ever aspect of my life.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Everyone is afraid of something...

Every chapter in School of Fear starts out with those words and has a different phobia listed and defined. There are a million phobias. Here's a list of some. I guess I used to think that just because there was a name for a phobia, that meant that people actually suffered from it. Omphalophobia is the fear of belly buttons. When I first read that I think, "How terrible! How strange! What is that like to have the fear of belly buttons? Are you even afraid of your own belly button or just others?" but then it hit me that maybe NO ONE is afraid of belly buttons, but if someone was, that would be the name for their fear. Well maybe people actually do suffer from all of the phobias that have names. I don't really know. But it would make more sense if there existed just some defined phobias that didn't have any actual sufferers. I guess I'll ask around about that.
So I have a phobia that needs a name. I have the fear of books that don't live up to the awesomeness of their covers.
Coolcoverletdownobia? How about that! That sounds good, doesn't it?
It isn't that School is a bad book. It is just that the cover is so cool! And the website is, too. And the book, by comparison is a let down.
It is the story of four kids who have some big time fears, fears that go beyond typical, fears that paralyze them.
Garrison- a tough football dude who is afraid of water
Theo- a rolly polly dude who is afraid of death
Lulu- a nasty chick who is afraid of tight spaces
Madeline- an English girl who is afraid of spiders
There are some really funny parts. My favorite quote from the book and probably one of my favorites of all time is from Theo.
"Oh no," Theo whispered to Lulu. "What's he going to do to the sandwich?"
But still...even with the great sandwich quote, the book just didn't live up to the cover, illustrations or website. Maybe it was just that the cover, illustrations and website were too good, I don't know.
There are supposed to be three more books in the series and even a movie, but I don't know, I mean, I found that info on some websites, but they were kind of old and I can't find anything recent to confirm that it is still happening. Like the book came out after all that stuff about the movie and sequel and stuff, so if the book was a flop, then probably that stuff isn't going to happen.
I probably wouldn't read a second one anyway, but it wasn't too bad.

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