Kissing Kate is the first book, I think, that I read this year that deals with female homosexuality. It has a fabulous cover. Lissa and Kate are BFFs and there seems to have always been this "something is wonderfully different" between them, but it isn't until they are almost seniors in high school that this "something wonderfully different" manifests itself into a kiss and a make-out session in a friend's backyard while Kate is a bit drunk. After the little make-out session, Kate is freaked and wants to forget it all, but Lissa really feels like she is in love and ready to explore what she and Kate may have. Kate wants to just go back to being friends.
As you can imagine, this puts a big-time stress deal on their friendship and their relationships with boyfriends and potential boyfriends.
One reviewer said that they didn't like the ending, but I think it ended the way it should have. Life doesn't always wrap itself up in a neat little ending. What do you think?
I liked this book a whole lot. I think it shows that Myracle can write deeper stuff, even though I am NOT complaining about her other stuff, clearly I love it, but this book was very different and very good.
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