The hype around this place is huge. I heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard it from another that the actors will touch you and even shoot you with water guns. That it is the most terrifying haunted attraction around. As soon as I heard this, I went over to the website I thought, "This HAS to be true! The wait is sometimes until after midnight! People get ripped through walls! If you don't get your ticket early, there's no telling how long you'll be waiting"! It sounded so cool!
I guess that the hype was just way too much. If you take out the hype, this place really cool. MaryAnne and I didn't see any of the promised activities outside of the house, like a fortune teller or gallows, etc. so maybe they did away with that this year. It wasn't very crowded, but it was a Friday night, so there probably was the high school football factor in play, and also, we got their fairly early.
I think the one thing that really disappointed me was the fact that there were indoor bathrooms in a the lodge area, across the driveway from the house, but they were locked and patrons were forced to use port-o-johns. I don't think that people really understand how offensive that is.
It certainly makes a statement about how much they care about their customers. The bathrooms were marked STAFF ONLY. Can you see that happening at Nordstrom?
The house itself was quite creepy indeed. It was a guided tour which made me feel better, because I was a bit nervous, mostly from the website hype and the word of mouth information.
It wasn't nearly as scary as I thought it would be. But it was definitely good and worth going back to next year. They say it changes every year, so that is great! But I really, truly, no joke do find the bathroom situation to be quite rude!
Brook Hills spooktacualar in West Virginia - Friday October 29th. The website looked very scary and I was little unsure about this attraction. Unlike previous ones I think the website kind of psyched me out. We pulled up and well it wasn’t what I expected, nothing like how the website described the park. I expected to see throngs of people, food booths, fortune telling and all kinds of other activities just like the website said.
ReplyDeleteThe house itself looked very creepy and old and once inside the actor who greeted us was awesome. He really helped create a scary atmosphere. Once we went into the first room we sat down on this what appeared to be benches. After the debriefing was over the lights went out and the device we were sitting on moved forward as a ghoul jumped out. This was a cool little feature that got you blood pumping.
At times this house was difficult to navigate through, as the stairwells were steep and very narrow. A lot of dialogue by the actors and after the first few rooms you kind of new were the scares would come from. On the website they bragged about pulling patrons through walls, ripping you from your group etc. They did touch you, and a few times grabbed a couple people in our group but never ripped you from the group of through a wall.
The attraction wasn’t bad, the maze was confusing and being locked in the box was kind of different but overall I really feel dumb that I stressed over this attraction.
I would rate this 6 skulls for scariness and 4 pumpkins for atmosphere. Nothing like the website proclaims it to be.