What's Going On Here?

There are SO MANY wonderful book review blogs out there and I can't compete with them, that is for sure. So this is not a book review blog. This is just a way for me to organize what I have read so that I can be better at matching the right book to the right person. The blog title comes from the brilliant mind of the most talented woman who ever lived, Ms. Judy Garland. The full quote is, "Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of someone else." That is what I hope to do here and in ever aspect of my life.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sleepless in Kentucky

Many years ago I had the good fortune of traveling to Lexington, KY for work. Many things happened on that trip, but I will only share the one incident relevant to Sleepless, in this post.
Since I was by myself and had never been to Kentucky, but had always been a fan of Loretta Lynn, I decided to visit Butcher Holler/Hollow and see the Loretta Lynn Homestead. Sadly, the road that led to it was washed out and I couldn't go. But I did stop at the Walmart where some of her relatives shop, as the cashier told me. I also went tanning at a place across the street from the Walmart and ate at a Subway.
Well one of Loretta Lynn's sisters, as we all know, is the fine singer Crystal Gayle, who had the really beautiful hit, Talking in Your Sleep.
TIYS isn't what the characters in Sleepless do, rather, they sleepwalk and kill people. But it is kind of related.
Sleepless is a different book from Sleepless. It is the second YA book by horror author Thomas Fahy, who wrote Unspoken, which I really enjoyed.
I really enjoyed Sleepless, too, especially now that we're getting on to autumn, the time of scary stories. Even though it was a miserable 91 degrees today, it was good to read a book that sent shivers down my spine.
The other cool thing about it, is that even though it is set on Long Island, there is a New Orleans influence on it, too. And like I mentioned, I kind of have a thing for New Orleans.
Oh it is just a great book over all! Even if you don't have a thing for New Orleans, Crystal Gayle or Loretta Lynn!
Read it up! :)
After all...it is almost Halloween :)!

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