What's Going On Here?

There are SO MANY wonderful book review blogs out there and I can't compete with them, that is for sure. So this is not a book review blog. This is just a way for me to organize what I have read so that I can be better at matching the right book to the right person. The blog title comes from the brilliant mind of the most talented woman who ever lived, Ms. Judy Garland. The full quote is, "Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of someone else." That is what I hope to do here and in ever aspect of my life.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The end of the Thrillogy

I am really sad to that Todd Strasser's Thrillogy is over! Kill You Last was so good. As I thought about the last Dean Koontz book that I read and compared it to this one, I just thought...man adults should read more YA fiction, especially if they are like this one. Kill is a great mystery that I couldn't figure out at all, but it wasn't frustrating, it was just a short, well done thriller for sure.
Shelby's parents are very interesting! Her dad is a photographer and they live a pretty fancy life. He is also kind of creepy sometimes...staring a little too long at Shelby's friends, making comments about how hot they are, things like that. Other than that, he is a super dad. He's never done anything weird with or to Shelby and he's always been honest and there for her when she needs him. Her mom tries to pretend that she doesn't notice the creepy factor of her husband, she just likes to pretend that everything is perfect in their family.
But then....three of the girls who went to Shelby's dad for head shots for their modeling start end up missing. The only connection to the three girls is that they were photographed by Shelby's dad.
And then...Shelby starts getting emails from 4894423vengeance, not threatening at first, just gloating about her father's quickly nose-diving rep but then she gets one that that says, "I like you Shelby Sloan. If I have to kill you, I'll kill you last."
Page turner, baby!
Here are links to my thoughts on the other two books:
Wish You Were Dead
Blood on My Hands

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