What's Going On Here?

There are SO MANY wonderful book review blogs out there and I can't compete with them, that is for sure. So this is not a book review blog. This is just a way for me to organize what I have read so that I can be better at matching the right book to the right person. The blog title comes from the brilliant mind of the most talented woman who ever lived, Ms. Judy Garland. The full quote is, "Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of someone else." That is what I hope to do here and in ever aspect of my life.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Boring Room

So I have known about this book for a long time.  My first boss told me that The Borning Room was one of her most favorite books.  But I was sure, because of the cover (and admittedly, back then I wasn't open to any kind of book that didn't seem super interesting or exactly what I knew I already liked) I just thought The Boring Room would be a better title.  Shockingly, I was wrong!  This book, written by Paul Fleischman (the son!  I remembered!) was quite good.  The story of a family, told from an old woman's POV, beginning when she was a young girl.  The borning room was the room in which she was born.  Most of the book takes place in the borning room, life and death.
This is a beautiful story and I would have given it 5 of 5 stars but I think I was comparing it to the Alida trilogy from Gary Paulsen, which really isn't fair.
I had never heard of borning rooms before, I am embarrassed to say.  But here is some info!  The book takes place in Ohio, and part of it is set during the American Civil War.  

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